Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Anastasia's fund is no longer empty!!!! In about a month her fund went from $0 to.....


Yes, $153.00.. It make me so happy to see something in her fund.

I know that I haven't been blogging much lately and I want to apologize for that. I am going to try REALLY hard from now on to post. It's just hard to think of things to say. I have it in my head; I just can't write it out. I'm sure you guys know what I mean..

 Everyday I check Reece's Rainbow hoping that today, one of them or both of them will be on the "My Family Found Me" page. I've seen a lot of my advocator friends have "their" children on the page. I just wish that Anastasia and Brynn would be too! I've also been worried that someone says they will adopt them and then end up not adopting them like with Brynn.... So if I do see them on the page, do I get excited?? I hated the disappointment when I found out she WASN'T going to be adopted....I know I have to trust God, that He knows what it is best for everyone and that whatever happens is for the best.... It's just really hard sometimes, especially seeing all the other children being adopted and neither of the children I'm advocating for have been.

Anastasia and Brynn, 

I wish that we could adopt you guys. I love you both so much, and wish that you two would find families. I hate to think that you guys are alone. No one to hug you, kiss you, play with you...But we will just have to wait. Anastasia, Brynn know that I love you and Jesus love you even more! Even if you don't have siblings or a mom you DO have a father, and He loves you more then anyone ever could! ♥ I wish I could tell you guys that.

Your Big Sister


  1. Oh, what a beautiful post. I am SO proud of you for advocating and praying for Anastasia and Brynn. Most of all for LOVING them. Your prayers and love are not for nothing! The Lord hears you and will answer your prayers.

    Love you!

  2. I know what your feeling Sammi-Kate. I have that feeling too. I was mixed up in feelings. I was sad that others found familys, and Nana didn't. But then I was happy that other children have found familys! It's very hard to know how your really feeling. Praying always helps! ;)

    Jesus Joy,

  3. Sammi,
    Keep it up! Even if you don't get around to posting as often as you would love too, God hears your prayers and knows your heart. Everything will happen in His time and for His reasons. Praying for you and them. LYL!

    Your Sister in Christ,
